
Real estate brokerage

If you are buying, selling or renting a flat, a house, business space, garage or land, please contact us with confidence!

Our licensed and experienced agents will let you know the current situation on the real estate market, listen to your needs and wishes, review your documentation and find you your dream real estate.

We are willing to devote ourselves to clients, either to sellers or to buyers, until all real estate buying partners are satisfied. We believe there is nothing more powerful or important than home. We use the best tools and invest the maximum effort because customer satisfaction and security are our priorities.

Land registry data setup

If your real estate has not been subdivided, has not been entered in the land registry, if you have encumbrances registered against your property, if you do not have a certificate of occupancy, if the data in the cadastre do not match those in the land registry...or if you are simply not sure whether the documents you have are in order,

Call us and make an appointment with our consultants at our office or at your house.

Assessment of Project Profitability and Market Analysis
Based on cost-effectiveness and market analysis, you will get a clear picture of the viability of a particular investment in a property or project.

A large number of satisfied clients and a broad network of external associates, leading experts in different investment areas, and our long-standing experience in real estate deals are a guarantee for a safe investment.


This is only small part of the services we offer.

If you have any questions regarding real estate, do not hesitate do call us and make an appointment.